Porcelain Crate Recommendation
Cap's Coatings has established a successful business constructed on providing its customers with quality products, finishes, and customer service. To assure our porcelain products arrive to their destination with no obstruction or damage, we recommend return shipping ALL porcelain orders by wood box crate. Porcelain is an extremely fragile material very similar to actual glass. Glass that is being shipped with iron MUST be genuinely protected. Therefore each wood crate is custom fitted to the contents it will be protecting and transporting. The contents will then be secured by being bolted down to the crate base. Porcelain orders that cannot be bolted secure to the crate base will be extensively bubble wrapped and made stationary inside the box with packaging material. Cap's Coatings charges a "packaging and handling" fee in addition to the standard ground shipping cost to absorb the expense of the wood crate construction.